LKS FOCUS 2024 Carbon Footprint

Overview: This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the carbon footprint associated with the operations of LKS FOCUS a video production company, focusing on vehicle emissions and the impact of using renewable energy for electricity.


  1. Energy Usage:

    • Source: 100% renewable energy.

    • Emissions: No direct emissions from energy usage.

  2. Travel Emissions:

    • Vehicle: Diesel SUV (Nissan, 46 mpg).

    • Annual Car Travel: 6,600 miles.

    • Fuel Consumption: 543.07 liters of diesel annually.

    • CO2 Emissions from Car Travel: Approximately 1,455.43 kg CO2 per year.

  3. Equipment Usage:

    • Main Equipment: Sony FX3 camera, editing PC, lenses, and lights.

    • Emission Considerations: Minimal direct emissions, primarily related to manufacturing and disposal impacts.

Potential Reduction Analysis: Replacing half of the car travel with train travel would further reduce emissions. Assuming continued use of an electric train, this could additionally reduce the carbon footprint, enhancing the sustainability of travel related to business operations.

Carbon Offset Recommendations:

  • Tree Planting: Planting trees to offset the reduced amount of 1,455.43 kg CO2 annually would require fewer trees. Approximately 69 trees would need to be planted, assuming each tree absorbs about 21 kg of CO2 annually.

  • Renewable Energy Credits (RECs): Continuing to invest in RECs would further support renewable energy production, mitigating indirect emissions.

  • Carbon Offsetting Projects: Supporting verified projects such as reforestation or methane capture would provide effective offsets for residual emissions.

Impact of Switching to Electric or Hybrid Vehicle:

  • Electric Vehicle: Switching to an electric vehicle charged with renewable energy would virtually eliminate direct emissions from vehicle use.

  • Hybrid Vehicle: A hybrid vehicle achieving about 92 mpg would reduce diesel consumption to 71.74 liters annually, cutting CO2 emissions to about 727.72 kg, a 50% reduction compared to the current vehicle.

Conclusion: Adopting more sustainable travel methods and offsetting emissions through strategic investments can significantly lower the environmental impact of your video production company. By transitioning to an electric or hybrid vehicle, further reducing travel emissions, and continuing the use of renewable energy, your company can move towards carbon neutrality. These efforts, coupled with engagement in carbon offsetting projects, position the company as a leader in environmental responsibility within the video production industry.